[vc_row header_feature=”yes” padding_top=”60″ margin_bottom=”0″ padding_bottom=”60″]Supplying employment solutions to clients in various countries and industries, Omni ES operates as one of the world’s leading employment services agencies. Believing in quality outcomes for both jobseekers and our clients, we strive to provide results that far exceed the expectations of those whom we work with.

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For more than 18 years, Omni ES has provided staffing companies, independent contractors and corporate clients with market-leading employment solutions, helping them to expand their international reach in the safest and most profitable manner.

The professional in-house services offered by Omni ES include Employer of Record (EoR), Contractor Payroll and Invoice and Pay, which we offer in 29 countries worldwide.

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Providing a wide range of tailor-made employment and payment services to staffing companies, independent contractors and corporate clients all over the world. Our team is made up of dedicated specialists who provide support whenever our clients need them.


Omni ES has achieved market-leading status through providing in-house services including Employer of Record (EoR), Contractor Payroll and Invoice and Pay, which we offer worldwide.



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